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The 2006 Canadian Telecom Summit
Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto
Monday, June 12th - Wednesday, June 14th, 2006
Conference Program: Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday

Renaissance / Marriott

Press Room

Minister Maxime Bernier to address 2006 Summit

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006


Hon. Maxime Bernier

Breaking news...
We are pleased to announce that Industry Minister Maxime Bernier will deliver his first major telecom policy speech at The 2006 Canadian Telecom Summit.

Minister Bernier will address the Summit on Tuesday, June 13. With the report of the Telecom Policy Review panel due later this month, this speech is sure to signal directions that will impact all of us.

Where the leaders meet
Minister Bernier joins 20 industry leaders who will deliver keynote addresses, offering insights into the future of Canadian Telecom, examining technology, services, consumer amp; business trends and policy. More than 50 other experts will participate in panel discussions to explore areas of interest to all stakeholders in the Canadian telecom industry.

Now in its 5th year, The 2006 Canadian Telecom Summit will take place in Toronto on June 12-14. It has grown to become one of the most important annual telecommunications events, attracting more than 550 speakers and delegates from around the world. This year's keynotes will include the?senior leadership?of all of Canada's major telephone companies and?the key influencers representing carriers and suppliers from all over the world.

For 3 full days, The Canadian Telecom Summit delivers thought provoking presentations from the prime movers of the industry. This is your chance to hear from and talk with them in both a structured atmosphere of frank discussion and high-octane idea exchange and schmooze in a more relaxed social setting of genial conversation.

Join us, meet with and hear from leaders of equipment suppliers, service providers, policy makers, regulators and major customers.

Book your seat early
Early bird rates end April 1. Register now to save more than $300.

If you are interested in telecommunications, you need to attend The 2006 Canadian Telecom Summit. Mark the dates on your calendar: June 12-14. The Canadian Telecom Summit has been sold out for the past 3 years.

Register at: www.telecomsummit.com

For more information, call +1.905.882.0417

For more information please call: +1.905.882.0417

Mark H. Goldberg & Associates Inc. GST Conferences NBI/Michael Sone Associates Inc.